Tag: ARM

Samsung NX300: Dissecting a Hacked Firmware

I mentioned in an earlier blog post, that I'm working on the Samsung NX300(m) mirrorless cameras and trying to get some features to work. I outlined in that post a way to get unlimited movie record length. While this method seems to screw up the time remaining, recording always stops just...

Porting Micropython to bare-metal Raspberry Pi

In the last months I ported Micropython to the Raspberry Pi. Micropython is an embedded Python interpreter, which already runs on ARM Cortex-M processors. I had to understand the build process, alter it as to target the Raspberry Pi processor and fix some annoying bugs and glitches. The...

Controlling features of the ARM1176jzf-s (Raspberry Pi)

This article is about the Raspberry Pis Processor, the ARM1176jzf-s. It is a 32 Bit ARM-processor, with ARMv6-architecture. It has a VFPv2 Floating Point Unit, can run Java Bytecode natively (Jazelle), can run Thumb(1) code, can use both little and big endian-data, has an MMU and many things...

PiOS: ARM Timer and Interrupts

For quite some time I've been working on a prototypic operating system, PiOS (previously PilotOS) [1]. I've been writing articles earlier about processes [2][3] and I want to discuss the current state here. Additional to a rewrite of most of the code, so removing the assembler-code and...

PiOS: ARM Timer und Interrupts

Seit einiger Zeit arbeite ich an einem prototypischem Betriebssystem, PiOS ("früher" PilotOS) [1]. Ich habe früher schon einige Artikel über Prozesse [2][3] geschrieben und will nun hier den aktuellen Stand diskutieren. Neben einem Rewrite des Codes, also entfernen quasi aller...